Wednesday, June 24, 2020

i don't think it's fair to pin the whole problem on this guy, or really much of the problem on him at all. he has little control over the situation, which as it's root cause is unregulated globalization.

see, and this is why this is so frustrating for so many people - they want somebody to blame. they want to look at what went wrong, fire the idiots responsible, fix the problem and everything's great forever. but, that's old economy thinking. nothing works like that anymore...

there is no single person to blame, nobody to take the fall, nobody's head to chop off. it's the system that's at fault, and the system that needs to adjust.

that said, if there is widespread protest against the mask laws in the upcoming days or weeks, i would call on his resignation at that time. and, i do believe that this abuse of power is indeed grave enough to warrant legitimate calls for his removal.

so, i would like to see him resign.