Friday, June 26, 2020

so, it seems to be that the developing strategy in ontario is to delay the reporting, and tell everybody to wear a mask. that way, we can continue to try to ignore it, on purpose.

my position from the start is that these measures are useless in the long run, and there's essentially nothing a city like toronto can do about it. toronto is in a weird point, where the poor quality of the statistics that are available make it hard to measure whether it's reached a peak, like detroit or montreal. it could be that the delaying tactics were actually marginally effective, but in that case, that's all they were - delaying tactics. so, toronto is either unusually vulnerable to a late first wave attack, or it's got a lot of delayed reporting to do. either way, let's hope that the extended delay, reporting deficit or not, was enough that the system doesn't reach capacity along with whatever bump is inevitable on reopening.

and, let's hope that lessons have been learned about isolating the elderly properly. it should be a long time before normal social behaviour can resume again.

so, the mask thing's a hope. really, the system is just giving up, realizing it can't wait this out, it can't delay and smother forever. so, go back to work. even if you're sick. just wear a mask.

my personal aversion to mask-wearing of any sort seems like somewhat of a marginal concern, in context. but, you still won't see me wearing one, in a city where there is actually no evidence of recent community transmission.

and, i'm curious how people react, in the long run.

i've got enough supplies, including some more marijuana, to last me another two weeks or so. let's see what happens.