Sunday, June 7, 2020

this is hilarious. and reflective of where we are, as a society, around this.

so, the ottawa public health states what is, in truth, grade school science in it's pamphlet - that when your body defeats a virus, it produces immunity. there's nothing controversial or misleading in the pamphlet; it's really just the most basic science imaginable.

unfortunately, the federal government has produced some at times embarrassingly ignorant, anti-science statements around the topic - statements that are so ill-informed that they should have led to resignations. but, our equally ignorant media just ate it up. it's truly been the blind leading the blind; when nobody knows what they're talking about, nobody has the ability to correct false statements. so, the only thing that matters is authority, whether it's horribly wrong or not.

now, we're all so collectively ignorant, that we've demanded the retraction of basic science from the health unit because it contradicts ignorant statements made by the federal government.

the health unit is right. the feds are wrong. this is....

...this is why i've tuned out. it's just idiots everywhere you turn, and there's no use getting frustrated by it.

so, let's be clear: yes, if you catch the virus and defeat it, you will be immune to it. not for two years. forever. that's basic immunology, and if you don't know that then you should go to the library and read some fucking books. however, the virus might mutate, and if you catch a mutated strain then you might have to fight it off again.

do you understand or do you want me to draw you a picture?