Tuesday, July 14, 2020

i get these nasty cases of the chills, from time to time, but they tend to pass after an hour or two. i've been shivering since i woke up around 3:00, unable to stop my teeth from chattering for hours at a time. why is this happening?

the air conditioner upstairs is no doubt a part of the problem, and i hate air conditioners and would disown my children for ever using them, but i think what actually happened is that the temperature caved in very far, very fast. so, it went from 35 degrees to 17 degrees in a few days. while 17 degrees is not particularly cold, the difference is quite massive. i've essentially been unable to adjust, and been unable to do anything until it passes.

i've taken three scalding hot showers this morning, each upwards of an hour in length, and i still just can't stop shivering. i can't escape this blanket, which is at least trapping my body heat from escaping.

still. it's reminding me that my genes are not from the north, and that whatever epigenetic reactions occurred in last week's blissfully beautiful heat wave don't exactly want to let go. it's like you let the cytosine loose in a candy shop, creating what may be referred to as a cytosine storm.

yeah. well, this whole migration thing is kind of undoing evolution in a way, isn't it? you're not supposed to dramatically change climates within a few generations. my dna was in warmer climates for thousands, if not millions, of years; i evolved to live in humid, hot places. that's what i am. and, i wonder if i shouldn't undo the mistake made in my genome's recent history, and get these genes back into the climate they were adapted to.

they're not proliferating up here, in this igloo carved out of the side of a glacier, that's for sure. i'm not evolved for it, and the other genomes seem to realize it.

it would help if i could figure out where the genome needs to go to get back home, to the adapted latitude.

for now, we should get some more summer-like temperatures this afternoon. as it is, i'm basically forced to put the day on hold and sit inside until i stop shivering. and, i'm feeling a tad better as i'm typing...