Sunday, August 30, 2020


this is the difficult fax i was hoping i would not have to send, but now needs to be sent. please read this fax carefully.

after some confusion about moving from cyproterone to spironolactone, i sent a fax to the office in june explaining that i did not want to move to spiro due to potential side effects and the apparent lower efficacy of it as a testosterone blocker and would prefer to double my dosage of cyproterone, instead. i was very clear at that time that i had decided to double my dosage of this drug, and did in fact do so, as i said i would.

unfortunately, dr. ===== did not fax an increase of dosage to the pharmacy; i doubled it anyways, as stated, and have been taking 200 mg/day since roughly june 4th. 

i believe this drug should be available over the counter and am frustrated that i both have to ask for an rx for it and am being denied my preferred dosage. this should be my decision, not dr. ===========.

i cannot say that the effects of the increase in dosage were what i had hoped, but that has only increased my resolve to carry through with it. that is, if i was concerned about rising testosterone levels against my will, then the fact that i have in fact been experiencing the effects of rising testosterone only cements the need to increase the dosage, and perhaps even up to 400 mg from 200, the next time i see dr. =========. the efficacy of the treatment has been decreasing to a crisis point for some time and some kind of serious intervention is now immediately required.

as would be expected, my rx has now run out early, which is putting me in that crisis point. this is not a request for an rx update; this is an explanation that i NEED you to carry through with this, or i will end up harming myself, and imminently.

i will not be waiting around for this. i will be at your office when you open on monday morning, and if you do not update my rx immediately, i will transport myself to the emergency room and refuse to leave until i am granted access to the drug at a sufficient dosage. if this is embarassing to your office or to dr. =======, i can only state that this was foreseeable, and that you did not update my dosage, as was requested. so, it is your own fault.

i am not somebody that is going to react well to an increase in testosterone levels. the potential consequences of such a thing are going to be erratic behaviour, probable violence and almost certain self-harm. i KNOW this. i'm not going to sit around and wait for it - i am going to go to emergency immediately.

so, i will see you in the morning at opening.