Monday, August 17, 2020

how would i have reacted to the stupid fake "green new deal" vote?

i remember this coming up and scratching my head. sinema votes against climate action? what?

but, she explains here that it was a stand against the stupidity of the situation, and there's actually a little bit of leadership underlying the clear-thinking, no bullshit position she took around it.

she's basically right - the proposal, as presented to congress, was not remotely workable. we're 30 years past the point where we can pretend we can reverse climate change, and she knows that. spending zillions of dollars on largely unrelated social programs without addressing the actual problem isn't a serious solution, or an actual way forward.

so, she voted against the bill and co-sponsored a statement pushing for an actual useful piece of legislation instead.

i probably would have done something similar.