Friday, August 21, 2020

i understand why a bunch of people in their 70s might think gays and atheists are obscure fringe groups that everybody hates, but the fact is that they're not just wrong but ridiculously wrong.

besides white evangelicals, a dying breed, and hispanics, an in truth evasive and poorly defined group, the 10% of the population that are gay and the 25% of the population that are atheist are pretty much the single largest voting blocks in the country (along with the 50% that are women). they're also both popular groups that evoke large amounts of sympathy when they run for office.

they want to vote democrat, too.

and they gave us john kasich, instead,

so, the 70+ year olds are in truth just completely out of touch. sadly. and to their own detriment.

after trump wins re-election as a consequence of clueless tactical work by biden and his backers, the party has to make generational renewal an immediate necessity.

this has to be the last time that the democrats try to put together this incoherent coalition that doesn't make any sense.