Tuesday, August 25, 2020

mackay would have won, i think.

but, he's lost this now what, five times?

this isn't america. you don't get to lose twenty times before you win.

i do hope he's done done done, now.

it's hard to see what kind of path o'toole has. mackay would have done quite well in the east, and that alone would have put the liberals in trouble. o'toole doesn't strike me as the type of conservative that is likely to do well in ontario, so he's basically just playing the same game as scheer, and the result is probably the same.

but, we still have to take him seriously. that's how they win; we stop taking them seriously.

if he does manage to get in....uch-o....

but, if he doesn't, i guess the conservatives are at a kind of crossroads. frankly, i don't see what the point of replacing scheer with o'toole actually was, but you can only run the same candidate with different hair so many times...

you have to wonder if the right answer for mackay isn't joining the liberal party.