Wednesday, September 16, 2020

do, i think we should have a body that holds politicians accountable?

in a word - no.

but, that's relative to the fact that any such thing would be extrajudicial, and inherently undemocratic.

in a democracy, the primary lever we use to hold politicians accountable is an election - and it should be up to voters to make those choices, not unelected nazis lurking behind the scenes, who are ultimately accountable to nobody, themselves.

and, if a politician does break the law - the actual law, not somebody's hokey pokey concept of what's "immoral" - then they should be charged, and allowed for due process, in a court of law. that investigation can't be bureaucratized like this.

i do not like chrystia freeland. at all. but, freedom of association is a right worth standing up for, and, if they don't push back on this, it sets a vicious precedent that can't be shrugged off.

i don't want to live in iran.

abolish the ethics commissioner.