Sunday, September 27, 2020

how much coffee do i actually drink? how can i measure this better?

i've got this habs mug my dad left me, and it's perfect for coffee. it's 400 ml, it turns out - which i measured (at the motherfucking meniscus - you'd better learn to do this right, kids) via transferring it to a blender.

i eyeballed the amount i use before adding soy and measured it the same way, and it came up to 350 ml.

so, i'm adding 50 ml of chocolate soy to produce a very ad-hoc mochaccino. the cream is removed, as it is bourgeois.

my preferred brand of soy (the so good) is hard to find nowadays, and the silk brand is just shit for added vitamins. so, i've moved to the more expensive natura brand, which is nutritionally comparable to the so good.

in that 50 ml, i should get:

2% a
6% calcium
2% iron
9% d
1.6% b1
5% b2
2% b3
3% b5
1.2% b6
1.2% b9
10% b12

...and i'm going to have two cups of that a day, on average.

i didn't want this to be necessary, but the creamer in my coffee is, in truth, a substantial source of d, b12 and b2.

so, i'll add that in, too.