Thursday, September 17, 2020

just to clarify on some of these pseudo-vitamins...

just because they're not "vitamins", and just because your body can produce them on it's own, doesn't mean they aren't healthy, or that you shouldn't seek them out. i'm a little unhappy with some of the literature i'm reading that more or less discards inessential nutrients as useless.

every time you convert glucose to inositol, for example, that costs energy, and doubly so because you're converting glucose. if you gave your body the inositol so it doesn't have to convert it, you could use that energy for something else, like thinking (which is actually, biochemically, true). and, you'd have more glucose to do it with.

i don't know how i'm going to react to these things, yet, in the end. i could add up the numbers, decide they're fine and leave it at that. i could even try to decrease intake of some things.

so, if i work this through and decide i'm taking a choice on some flavonoid that i can only get in decent concentrations from strawberries, then, yeah, they're coming back. sure.

i don't at this point think that's likely. we'll see, though.