Tuesday, October 27, 2020

so, mangoes are good for you.

the problem is, once again, b5. if i replace the mango with raspberries or cherries or a plum, all at a loss in total c fwiw, then i'll have to boost the strawberries to compensate for the b5. and, i'm ultimately not seeing the logic in that, given that it's to save a dozen calories at the expense of a lot of vitamins and even some cost. raspberries are expensive, here. i'm not going to notice 40 calories at the end of the day, i don't think.

i've never bought a mango in my life. i'm familiar with the taste - it's an almost musky sort of affair, not quite citrus, and not quite melon. it's unique, really. the ascorbic acid overpowers, but it has a weird, almost alkaline essence.

i've committed to buying a bunch and trying them out.

i just hope they're not 300 g each.

so, i'm going to work with the assumption of holding the mango steady with the realization that it's no doubt an underestimate. i'll start with the highest calorie amounts and work from there.