Wednesday, November 25, 2020

good. this is long overdue and the kind of dissent we need right now.

i'm finding myself with strange allies recently, it is true. but, i don't fault myself for it. the spectrum is truly in flux.

i am still a communist. that hasn't changed. i'm just more disenfranchised than i used to be, and less willing to identify a lesser evil than i once was - because the establishment left has truly become indiscernible from the establishment right. 

it's really a return of class as a political identity marker, even as the establishment types reject it more and more. they can reject it all they want - they're just rejecting the simple truth right in front of their noses.

and, it's actually up to people like me to organize these folks. 

is it much different than it was 150 years ago? or 50 years ago? the left has always had this problem with the political orientation of workers being less than ideal. what's happened is that the bourgeoisie has managed to masquerade as a fake left by playing itself off against a fascist, aristocratic hard right, and that has confused a lot of people, at the supposed end of history.

but, history's still going, as far as i can tell. and, leftist organizers face the same challenges that they always did.

they are fundamentally correct to resist and the right thing to do is stand with them. these restrictions are neither necessary nor effective, they are political repression.