Wednesday, November 11, 2020

i got up and out for a few hours today and it was certainly good for me to help shake off the migraine, even if i'm still not feeling 100% as i'm sitting here typing this. it was the end of this bizarre warm spell, which also peaked today with a 28 degree humidex, if in the midst of some blustery winds. it was quite the juxtaposition to see the sun come down today at 16:30, and have it feel like it's 21:30 in mid-summer.

so, i did some groceries on foot, i got out on a bike to finish them and i took a last walk out for a compost run. it felt great. really. the pollution has even cleared out a little....

i should be in, now, until nearly the end of the month, so i'd better get what i was doing finished soon, and i should so long as i can avoid the migraines for a while.

for the night, i'm not sure i'm going to make it. i think i need another dose of sleep...