Saturday, November 7, 2020

"[Poppies are] to show respect for people who stood in danger for our freedom and democracy around the world."

that's a heaping pile of jingoist bullshit and mcauley should be ashamed of himself for peddling it. you are a liar, sir. you have no decency,

what the poppies are supposed to represent is the fields of children we sent to die, aimlessly, in a war that served no purpose but the geopolitical whims of the elite - as we vow to never again let them do that to us. it was a war by and for corruption, and by and for nothing else. to this day, historians can't really get their story straight about it, although everybody knows it was about resources, like oil.

it is supposed to be about mourning the loss of people that died needlessly, not about rallying around the flag. worse, this corruption of the meaning of the day is actually fairly recent, in that it is a creation of stephen harper's broadly revisionist worldview.

these people that want to turn this day into a celebration of war are traitors to the proletariat of this country and should be hoisted up on flagpoles like the fascist scum that they are.

mcauley's statements are uncanadian, and i am embarrassed by the behaviour of the house today. shame.