Friday, November 6, 2020

so, the pasta water just waters it down.

i think the vanilla flavour in the soy milk is enough to avoid the need for further sugar. i eat a lot of fruit, but i tend to avoid the refined stuff. i'll try it with (expired) mustard next time....

the surprise in pennsylvania is how long this is taking and how close it is. again - a lot of democratic votes are no doubt being thrown away because the signatures don't match or the stamp is in the wrong place or whatever else, and this is no doubt the reason it's so unexpectedly close.

i still think trump has the upper hand in georgia and arizona, and biden still has to concern himself with avoiding a recount in pennsylvania, which i think is unlikely. so, biden should still be officially worried about pennsylvania.

but, it's about time that it flipped, and that is probably the deciding event, in the end.