Tuesday, December 29, 2020

i don't want to argue with you exactly, i'd just like to remind you that you're seeing it strictly from your own class perspective. you're skeptical that these powerful interests will just up and give away concessions, without even seriously asking for them - and you should be. but, a little closer look at the centrality of fordism in the union movement of the previous century should bring out a distorted truth, one that malatesta was quick to remind people of - that these class interests can often overlap in ways that aren't exactly obvious from a distance.

what that republican insider is saying is something like this:

"inequality has begun to reach the point where our own power is being threatened. that is not sustainable. in order to maintain our own class dominance, we may need to give a little away, to prevent a more serious uprising. after all, we are a tiny minority. we could hardly survive a serious revolution".

and, that is rational, from their perspective - if it comes to it.

one of the ways they get us is by eliminating even the illusion of choice. don't like the democrats? tough. what are you going to do? vote republican? well...it would be nice to have different levels of evil, to not be taken for ranted. let the bankers speak.