Tuesday, December 15, 2020

no, listen.

i was the one out there calling jimmy a fucking idiot when he argued you should vote for trump over clinton, because it would create a leftwing push. no, i said - if you put trump in power, you're going to create a big tent movement rooted in the so-called centre, which is really the far-right, and you'll end up with the most right-wing democrat since andrew jackson. and, that's exactly what happened. rather, if you want to stimulate a leftist revolt, it has to be against the democrats, themselves.

i made the opposite argument this year, as dore fell in line - that if the choice is between electing biden in 2020 and having to accept harris in 2024 or holding out for a better option in 2024 (and an almost certain democrat win after eight years), you should hold out for a better option. ultimately, that better option probably still wouldn't be good enough, and would still require a revolt. but, biden is just so awful....

and, we'll have to see how bad biden ends up. i can't say it looks promising, so far.

so, i'm used to calling jimmy dore a fucking fool. but, a broken clock is right twice a day. he's got this one right - you force the vote and make people disclose.