Sunday, December 13, 2020

ok, it's catchy.

and, it's familiar.

and, it's musical lightness can perhaps be put aside, if the intent is lyrical. i'm just not sure how interested i am in pouring over billy corgan's lyrics at the end of 2020.

i'm going to have to, though.

a warning: i've been listening to corgan for basically my whole life, some years more carefully than others. he's always had this kind of conservative streak, but it's more rooted in a type of escapism than anything political. if you didn't know better, you'd easily interpret it as a leftist critique of consumer culture - as i did, for however long, like most people. it's not, though, and it's developed and extrapolated as he's aged. so, for example, he's a theist of some sort, clearly; while the general cultural critiques overpowered when he was younger, he's become....not quite devout, but theologically aware. that's one of the ways he's lost me.

i don't see the point in being too vicious. i can listen to something else if i don't like it, and i will.

but, if he's going to release a musically inert record like this, he's asking for lyrical deconstruction.