Friday, December 4, 2020

so, where in this dichotomy do you put the the overeducated starbucks employee, that has a phd and serves coffee, which is in truth the driver of the modern economy and the primary swing voter on the left?

these are the people that swing between the ndp and the liberals and the greens - and they're the people that determine the outcomes of elections.

it's less that what he's describing isn't real and more that it doesn't matter. that "liberal" (for they are, in truth, anything but) elite is never going to vote for the conservatives, and the rural base of the conservative party is never going to vote liberal - although they may vote ndp or green in a pinch.

this is useless data and a meaningless narrative that doesn't matter - and it's reflective of the fact that he's leading a dead movement.

the political movements of the future will be the ones that trap the energy of the overeducated and underemployed, as they are increasingly the majority.