Wednesday, January 13, 2021

there's truly an absurd amount riding on bernie this session. will we be disappointed?

what i'm going to say is this - no major legislator since lyndon johnson has been as likely to actually do something as bernie is. the system is vicious, and the chances of disappointment are not slim. but, despite my reservations about endorsing him in 2020 due to the unsavory tactics he was toying with (specifically, his outward and somewhat showy displays of coldness towards, and apparent outright fear of addressing, queer political concerns, quite clearly due to fear of it harming his ambitions to win minority voters, particularly - a red line, for me, and a blatant display that he simply didn't represent me or my concerns at that point), i can't think of anybody else over the last 50 years that i'd rather pin my hopes on to actually get something done. bernie is a deeply flawed character, and i actually think he'd make a bad president, because he's broadcast that he's happy to throw minority rights under the bus if he thinks they're unpopular. but, if he can't deliver something by running the budget, the country's permanently fucked.

certainly, a man of his experience and dedication to the political left (whatever i think of his shady tactics) is a better horse to bet on than a 25 year-old that's in her first term of congress.

and, he needs solidarity and a show of massive support. so, cut the bullshit and get behind him.