Saturday, February 13, 2021

i got more sleep tonight than i have in quite a while, and it was partly as a reaction to the pasta bowl, again - the same reaction. at least i'm pretty sure now that the reaction is real, and it wasn't a virus...

i'm experiencing some mild beeturia, as well. it's not as bad as before. so, is it the beets? it seems to be something reacting with the beets...

so, i'm going to need to rip it apart and rebuild it back up piece by piece, again.

last time, it seemed to be the sunflower seeds....and then wasn't. if i'm to jump to conclusions, i think it might be that these seeds don't last so long in the cupboard, and i should buy them in smaller amounts. so, if i reduce it down to the seeds again, the right conclusion seems to be that they're rancid.

but, why do the seeds create these problems when consumed in the pasta bowl and not in the fruit bowl?

i'll have to sit down and figure it out.