Monday, February 15, 2021

it seems like i'm being filtered, but they've relented. i'm going to flip this around: i've been targeted by some anti-queer and anti-jewish voices on the internet for quite a long while, and this is just the latest example of it. i'm the one being harassed, here - there is somebody that keeps sorting through my content and reporting harmless posts to the authorities, in an attempt to shut me down. it seems to increase when i criticize certain voices on what i call the "fake left". if whomever is now filtering this could identify who these actors are and prevent them from bothering me any more, that would be greatly appreciated.

i will, unfortunately, need to go to toronto to have this surgery done, despite repeated pleas by surgeons in toronto for local doctors to do it - which have fallen on deaf ears. and, if the pandemic doesn't end soon, i may actually run out of time to do it.

i have asked the tribunal to order the local hospital to perform the surgery as a result of the discrimination i recently experienced at the hands of a psychiatrist in the er room.

it's a huge problem in this country and, if anything, it seems to be getting worse - trans people technically have access to care, but it's very, very hard for us to actually find it.