Wednesday, February 17, 2021

now, if you're really insistent on eliminating private debt (and, i realize i'm using words in a confusing way. so, in this specific context, private debt means debt between individuals and privately owned institutions; public debt means debt between individuals and publicly owned institutions. so, government-financed student loans. which, is actually public debt, as well. but, yes - i'm abusing the language.), the government could make a decision to buy it out (rather than cancel it) and i'd have to take a look at the proposal before i could decide if i were to support it or not. 

i would not support a general amnesty on student loans that are privately held, for the reasons i've stated - it's just a bank bailout on bad debt. but, maybe this is where you can bring in ideas about means testing. some small percentage of working class dipshits no doubt went to harvard on private debt, got a divinities degree and ended up working at starbucks - it helps nobody at all to perpetuate this kind of debt. but, if it's a private institution, you have to pay them for it, so this should be done carefully and with a lot of thought put into it.