Monday, March 15, 2021

i got some rest, in two spurts. so, i'll be sitting and typing for a few hours, until i get through some coffee.

the main cop was gone all week but came back last night. at first, the smell cleared out - as it often does when he comes in. but, now, the marijuana smell has been replaced by the smell of cheap cigars. it's not the first time that's happened, and he's acknowledged he smokes them, although denies he smokes them inside. and, i suppose there's some chance he is smoking them outside. but, they're rank.

my table is stuck in kitchener due to a "missort", whatever that means. i'll have to get on the phone tomorrow, i guess.

in the mean time, i finished fixing the bookcase in the bedroom, after a few false starts. 

and, it's time to get back to it, after i do a little extra cleaning.