Friday, March 12, 2021

so, i was awake again on thursday afternoon and intended to get everything in order and have a long and productive day:


so, i've got some sleep and need to catchup, after i make some fruit.


i want to be clear about what i said about testosterone and ferritin. my rbc counts are a little low - my ferritin counts are very low. so, i ought to be more concerned about low ferritin than low rbc.

what modulating testosterone does is increase or decrease the rate at which the ferritin converts to red blood cells. so, if you give your body more testosterone, it should create more red blood cells and leave less ferritin behind; if you reduce testosterone, it should slow the rate of red blood cell production, thereby incresing your iron stores.

it follows that my low ferritin count cannot be explained as a consequence of low testosterone - that i would rather expect the opposite from low testosterone, namely an excess of ferritin.


i was out briefly in the afternoon to do a compost run, and it was at least legitimately warm for the first time in months. i intended to finish cleaning on the other side of the house first and do the silicon on the windows later on, but, when i sat down to eat, i was overwhelmed by the smoke and i realized i needed to immediately fix the problem before doing anything else...


so, i had to stop to do a first silicon run on the window in here because the stench was just vicious.

the last few days have been sporadic, but the write-up is finally coming, as i wait for the silicon to dry.


i had an appointment scheduled for 10:00 am on friday morning and was intending to stay up all night and make it after cleaning myself up early in the morning. unfortunately, i wasn't able to make it over night and stopped to nap. but, when i woke up to shower, i'd already missed the appointment...