Friday, March 5, 2021

the scandal here is that we have to dip into a supply intended for third world countries because free trade has destroyed our manufacturing capacity, not that we're putting ourselves ahead of other countries, which is simply acting rationally, and which every other country in the world is doing.

the fact that this is even a debate is reflective of the reality that something like half of the country is foreign born and sees themselves as transplants, and canadians second. we shouldn't even be debating this, and it's a reflection of where the country is in terms of immigration that we are. it's completely absurd to suggest that we ought to be more concerned about vaccinating citizens in other countries than we are about vaccinating ourselves, but here we are.

i just watched that byzantine documentary and was reminded of the battle of manzikert, where the emperor was forced to rely on turkish soldiers for defence, who defected and handed him over to the barbarians. canada is not only oblivious to these lessons of history, but seems focused on intentionally repeating the mistakes.

but, historical comparison aside, the focus from the left should be on how unchecked globalism has led us to this disaster, not a further embrace of it and a deeper articulation of globalist perspectives. i'm not surprised by anamie paul's reaction, as she is a perfect representative of the fake left. but, i am a little taken aback by stephen lewis' lack of commentary on the economic factors that led us here, while realizing that the cbc may have decided to cut him off in his response, or may have framed their questions in an intent to produce a specific response.