Saturday, April 17, 2021

"we did it ourselves"

who is we here? 

are we talking about inclusion via nationalism or via class?

what i would say is this: they got up and left. and, they did it because of the disparity in labour conditions.

and, we - the working class of the world - need to unite across national borders to tear down their capitalist structure in both countries, at the same time.

Eencog Neeto
Bad news for you. You are alone in your fight, China is a communist country where the corporate is being ruled by the working class party.

that's laughably ignorant.

and, it's important that we get this point, because the only way out of the mess we're in is through entrenched international solidarity. we have to stand together, and stop letting them play us off each other. it's our only tactic.

Eencog Neeto
Well, there can be no social justice as long as you allow anyone to be a leader of your body and mind. Been like that since the dawn of ape.

i have no idea what that means, at all.