Saturday, April 3, 2021

it was obvious that biden's primary concern was going to be a renewed scramble for africa, in conjunction with an expansionist imperial centre in riyadh, and against the chinese.

so, this is the alliance: islam-christianity-judaism.
this is the theatre: eastern africa
this is the pretense: oppression of muslims or christians (whatever. same thing.) that need to be saved
this is the mechanism: western support for extremist jihadist groups
this is the expected outcome: a new caliphate across the historically muslim region that is (nominally) aligned with neo-liberalism and exploits the region for the benefit of western capital - which is really what the old caliphate actually did. this should look stupid because it is. but, capital is short-sighted, and it can't see the unreliability of the arabs as a partner, who will in the end no doubt happily align with the chinese to assert dominance over the west.
this is the enemy: chinese imperialism in africa

if you want to do a play-by-play, that's the theatre that is likely to be the hottest over the next eight years, as we fund and support the saudis in their ambition to reconquer most of africa. and, i told you that months ago.

the base of support for this is going to be african-american women, who are going to be brainwashed into supporting the military-industrial complex via racial and nationalist propaganda.