Saturday, April 24, 2021

so, i didn't finish eating before i passed out, which is terrible because we're talking about a 15 minute bike ride both ways. it wasn't a long day, either.

the idea that a half hour on my bike might knock me out for 12+ hours is absurd. i can normally do that in my sleep.

so, this is very bad - my iron has clearly crashed. and, i'm expecting depleted hemoglobin and a potentially vicious reaction to the blood test.

so, we're going to take two vials tops when i get there - and come back for two more next week.

i need the cbc, the ferritin, the reticulocyte & the hepcidin done immediately. and, if we can fit lead & zinc, great. the rest can wait until i know if i need injections or not.

and, i might.