Friday, April 16, 2021

there's going to be groups that the left can work with and there's going to be groups that they can't work with. i had a lengthy debate about the farmers' union not long ago, and want to take it back to that because this was exactly the issue that the farmers had in front of them and couldn't figure out - how do you work with these powerful unions, that fly confederate flags and are the backbone of the kkk? or, more to the point: you can't not work with them, so what do you do? and, as a trans person, i have a lot of problem with religious groups, the most powerful of which at this point in time are muslims. how do i work with people that would kill me on the spot if they could get away with it?

and, you have to pick the right groups, and be careful you don't pick the wrong ones.

but, what the farmers' movement never seemed to figure out was the need to hold the mirror up. ultimately, you have to find a way to get the white supremacists and the religionists away from their beliefs by teaching them that it's all a system of control. if you can't teach them this, and they won't learn, then there's no way forwards, anyways - we can't have socialism and "religious freedom" at the same time, the social revolution must come first.

so, you gotta get out there and engage with the racist and the christians and the muslims and try to get them away from their chapters, and away from their churches and away from their mosques.

and, mr, hedges isn't going to be of much help in that struggle, or have much wisdom or advice to depart regarding it, as he's one of the most brainwashed talking heads out there.