Wednesday, April 14, 2021

this is my isp, and i want lower rates, but i don't think that creating more competition is going to reduce rates, and i'd suggest this person needs to take a course in actual economics (rather than relying on pop culture colloquialisms) if they do.

rather, i'd suggest that the reduction in competition will probably help stabilize rates, if it's accompanied by relevant regulatory measures, the lack of which are the actual problem here, not a lack of competition.

internet lines are a natural monopoly, like roads and healthcare, and we need less competition if we want to reduce prices, not more. i'd repeat my longstanding call for the state to nationalize the lines, and remove the ceos and other executives from the process altogether.

the internet should belong to the people, not to the corporations. and, we should make decisions about it democratically, not leave it up to the market.

i consequently support the merger as a step towards the end of the marketization of internet services in canada, and call on the government to increase the pace of consolidation on the path to nationalization.