Tuesday, May 11, 2021

google has only ever notified me of it's intent to censor a single post in this space, and it reversed it's decision upon review. so, i have to think it's not deleting posts, randomly.

my bigger concern is that some vigilante group, which includes an intelligence agency,  is doing it...

but, there's thousands and thousand and thousands of posts here. trying to find something is always going to be challenging, if i can't remember the exact term.

i should have everything backed up in a few different places, and i can never find any evidence of anything being missing when i look. but, i have good reason to think that some of these spaces were hacked, and somebody's been in my room.

as mentioned repeatedly, they don't go after the posts you'd imagine they would. when it seemed like somebody was slaving my machine, the thing they seemed to want to do was disable adblock, first and foremost. i've noticed that music review posts frequently evaporate. and, the issues that always seem blurry are issues to do with trudeau, or some obscure leftist political issue, or issues to do with muslims, making me think it's a canadian intelligence agency - and that they're being absurdly thorough.

or, maybe i'm imagining it.

or, maybe the point is to make me think i'm imagining it.

somebody seems to be watching me - but i always say that you'd never actually know that orwell was right, if he was. you'd just have to guess it...