Sunday, May 30, 2021

i don't often stand up for cenk uygur, but what started this recent stupidity in the gaza strip?

was it an incursion of israeli settlers into an illegal settlement? a conflict at a checkpoint? even some kind of pyrrhic attack on israeli soldiers by idiots with rocks?


it was a quasi-fascist islamic extremist organization called hamas reacting to israeli crowd management at the al aqsa mosque to end ramadan.

trying to deny that this was about religion is delusional, but it demonstrates the point i've been making for quite a while, now - there are a lot of fake leftists on the surface out there that are, in truth, conservatives or nationalists or both in disguise. and, some of them are sephardic or mizrahi jews. while they may claim it's about human rights, the reality is that they're looking for a right-wing militia to identify with in their struggle against modernity, which they despise. so, they readily and eagerly align with the most backwards elements they can find, in their zeal to tear down the world around them.

there's a lot of things i don't like about the world, too, and i've been clear enough that i think that what israel is doing and has repeatedly done is unjustified and needs to stop. but, i'm not about to align with a palestinian nationalist movement that wants to turn back the clocks, either - and i would challenge those that tell people it's pragmatism to be a little more honest about where their politics really are. i can see through them, even if most people can't.

there is a left on the ground. it is not very powerful, but that will not change if everybody that could prop it up aligns with the nationalist right, instead.

so, i will state again: i stand with the apostates, and call for an end to religion in the region as a precondition for an integrated, multicultural society. and, if that sounds absurd to you, you're not able to see past the status quo.