Monday, May 10, 2021

i don't want this incarnation of the liberals to get their majority back until they actually do something to earn it. i haven't read the ridiculous budget yet, but i think the consensus is that it's a political document that promises everything to everyone in a desperate attempt to get a majority. let's force them to do a bit of it, first.

while the liberals could call an election before ford does, they'd have to engineer it. unless he cancels it in a fit of fascist domination (which is looking increasingly unalarmist week by week), ford will need to call an election on schedule about a year from now.

the federal ndp will also benefit from a reduction of anti-ford kneejerking.

so, it's in the opposition's best interests to just wait it out and prop them up until mid-2022 at the earliest, and the pandemic gives them the perfect cover to do it.