Saturday, May 29, 2021

(this post is dated to may 29, 2021 because it describes events over that day. however, it was written on june 10, 2021)

as i got paid that morning, i had to spend the evening doing kind of normal grocery things, but it was a weird month for that kind of thing, so i found myself going on a pretty hefty bike ride, with the hopes of getting everything done.

first, i got some calcium carbonate (for my teeth, as a mouthwash. it’s designed to increase the ph of my mouth directly after eating. i am not swallowing this or using it as a calcium supplement. and, i’m using the hydroxyapatite as a calcium topical, instead – the limestone is just about basic acid/base chemistry, which seems to be the easy way to protect your teeth from acid erosion caused by bacteria.) at the store right beside the lab i dropped the fit test off at.

then, i biked to the far superstore on walker looking for some plant-based omega-3s, as the closer one did not have any, according to the website. while i was there, i got some things at the bulk barn next door. unfortunately, though, they didn’t have any nutritional yeast, so i had to go to the other bulk barn to get it (and it seems that the bulk barn is now carrying the omega-3s, for future reference). and, i stopped at the food basics (as well as the shopper’s, to get my rx) on the way back, as well.

then, i went to the metro to get some soy milk, stopped at the freshco to get a few basic items, headed to the walmart to get the other soy milk and stopped at the superstore for some ice cream.

so, that was a good 40 km (the map is a mild underestimate), in the end – and my nap, when i got back, became a lengthy rest, which was ok. these are days i wish i had more of, and hope to have more of when i can get back to biking in detroit again.