Friday, June 18, 2021

i got my fit test dropped off tonight...

i didn't catch up on eating last night before i passed out and have decided i had to skip a day. listen, if i can get 5 days a week in on this schedule, i'm eating a 1000x times better than i ever have. but, i'm a skinny person and i can only eat so much...

but, the way i'm going to do this is to make the art show demo the divine amoebas single. i mean, that;s what it actually is - half-finished demos from the isomorphism, and the completed divine amoebas. that's what a single parked there would be, too. it also doubles as the "material completed in my mom's apartment" release, along with the cassette demos (sarah's) and all you need (dad's basement). so, that period splits cleanly along "where i lived" lines, and then i just need to finish the lost symphony and insert it as inri078.

i intend to get that finished tonight, but we'll see what actually happens.