Thursday, June 3, 2021

should i have known better than this?

well, if there's a problem, it's insufficient estrogen, and i...i tried. hard.

i can't buy it.

they wouldn't overprescribe.

so, i mean, what do i do? i could detransition, but i'd be so depressed i'd want to kill myself, anyways. i mean, that's a fucking shitty choice to force a person to make, and i'm almost willing to kill myself out of spite if the government is going to take that kind of a pissy position with me.

at this point, it doesn't matter - detransitioning won't help anyways, and i need estrogen therapy, regardless.

so, i mean here's your great outcome as a result of your bullshit incentive system and your pseudo-intellectual freudian bullshit - i've got osteoporosis. 

you assholes.