Wednesday, June 2, 2021

the good news is that the fit test was negative.

the bad news was that the bmd was terrible. -1.9. that's technically osteopenia, but practically osteoporosis.

i'm 40 years old.

over the last several years, i have gone through incredible lengths to try to get my testicles removed, to try to increase my testosterone suppression and to ensure that i'm getting usable, absorbable estrogen. the system has blocked me every step of the way...

and, now i have osteoporosis.

it is probably not a coincidence that my teeth started eating away at the same time that i went back down to 100 mg/day of cyproterone. and, while i don't have the ability to prove it, i'm entirely convinced that the declining estrogen is also at the root of the iron absorption problems.

i need to sleep on this.