Wednesday, June 16, 2021

vanguardism is of course a leninist idea, and isn't present in the writings of marx. so, you can't really blame marx for it.

marx himself was pretty explicit in his support of democracy, and only criticized the french revolution in terms of it's inability to uphold it's own ideals - which is a criticism i'm certain he'd have repeated almost verbatim, if directed at the russian revolution, which was a bourgeois revolution, as well.

and, this is really the point i want to get across - i don't want to hear people describe leninsm as "marxism", as though they're the same thing. they're not. marx is not responsible for this in the way that lenin is.

we can still learn a lot from marx, but lenin belongs in the trash heap and we should all be a lot more specific in separating between these ideologies, rather than continue to conflate them.