Wednesday, November 22, 2023

the market for psilocybin is very young people. this is a drug people do not keep doing as they mature, as it really legitimately turns people into idiots. there's a mystique around shrooms when you're 15; by the time you're 25, you will think mushrooms are crazy and that people that do them are idiots. you don't grow into this drug, you quickly realize it's intensity and grow out of it.

the upside is that psilocybin is not addictive, which is why you don't see mushroom users turning to criminal behaviour to fund their addiction. rather, people tend to do mushrooms a handful of times and then never speak of it again. while psilocybin users might have bad trips, mentally well people know that bad trips aren't real and don't actually harm others as a result of those bad trips; mushroom trips are a kind of controlled paranoia that borders on controlled schizophrenic episodes and mushroom users might tend to be somewhat belligerent and angry in their interactions with others as a result of that paranoia and what is essentially engaging in episodic behaviour, but they're mostly harmless dumbasses.

they should consequently just let the business fail.