Sunday, January 21, 2024

i just want to clarify a point.

the people that moved in / hang out upstairs in my house are not my friends. in fact, they're objectively the biggest losers in town. there's something like five 30 or 40 somethings that want to start a club get fucked up on meth and listen to out of date 80s club music but there's no demographic for it so they rented a garage on my rental property instead and want to have house parties upstairs. it would seems as though i was supposed to like these people, but i don't want to hang out with them either and i actually think i may have strenuously avoided a couple of them at leland several years ago.

they keep yelling at me to "play skinny puppy", as though they rented my sound system. they did not rent my sound system and i will not take requests. however, i might play the cure or u2 instead of skinny puppy, just to piss them off.

i hope i don't have to run into these people again in real life. they're not people i'd want to be friends with. at all.

at the root cause of this problem is some immature 40+ year-old lesbians going through a midlife crisis that bought the house a few months ago. i don't care much for them, either.

i'm waiting the situation out, but these are not people i'd want to hang out with, remotely. these people are losers by every definition of the term. please don't think they're my friends, because they're not; i would find that embarrassing.