Friday, February 9, 2024

i'm temporarily reposting what is left of this blog to mirror it locally. i will eventually need to remove this blog entirely, as it's been targeted by fraudsters, thieves, liars and scam artists.

the writing coming back up has been heavily vandalized; i cannot post here, the site is not secure. some combination of people i used to know thinks they have same authority to vandalize my art and nothing is apparently going to stop them. they have made it clear to me over the last few months that they delusionally believe that they own me and can do what they want with me.

any posts that don't come back up have already been removed and have been archived. i will need to unvandalize them as best as i can as i recombine them into a forward-flowing, readable document and they will be republished in a different format when i'm done. clearly, i don't have the time or interest to blog the way i used to, and it's largely because i'm being constantly hacked and vandalized by these fucking losers from my past that won't go away.

what is being temporarily republished here will be unpublished again as soon as i can pull it down.