Thursday, March 21, 2024

i want this to be a reality check.

i'm a low income canadian; i live on odsp, and while i wish i sold more of my art, my sole source of actual income is a $1300/month odsp check.

every four months, i get a $100+ check as a carbon rebate. last year it was $122. it should be ~$20 more than that this year. i don't have a car (i couldn't afford one, but i actually don't want one), and i'm smart enough to know that the inflation we're experiencing is not substantively due to the carbon tax.

those $100+ checks have actually dramatically improved my quality of life and have actually helped me deal with inflation. $500-600/year is very helpful when your income is very low.

now, we can debate whether this policy is actually effective, and i would actually argue it hasn't been and won't be. that's not the point right now.

right now, we're dealing with a demagogue in parliament trying to argue that the carbon tax is harming low-income canadians, and the reality check needs to be that the exact opposite is true, that this $500/yr top-up on my disability is actually exceedingly helpful to me and that i'm actually overwhelmingly in favour of increasing the carbon tax as much as possible.

now, i understand that this might be bothersome to middle-income canadians that make enough money that they can spend a lot on gas, but that's the point. the policy is intended to penalize polluters and incentivize them to change. what the demagogue is demonstrating is that the policy isn't working; it is exactly those middle-income canadians that most need to change that are organizing to resist it and polls suggest, at the moment, that they would have a good chance of winning.

however, the policy is in truth very beneficial to actual low-income canadians, who generally don't have cars because they can't actually afford it. don't listen to this guy try to tell you otherwise.