Friday, September 27, 2024

the next president is going to need to spend almost all of their time in office undoing the foreign policy mess left by the last two presidents, especially by biden who has been far worse than trump, and i'm going to make a focus on pointing out specific actions that will be required to reverse the mess left by these two idiots.

the first thing that needs to be prioritized is ensuring that the united states aggressively enforces it's ongoing occupation of germany, the frightening unravelling of which has singularly resulted in the ongoing instability in eastern europe. we are actually experiencing german rearmament, which is a singular threat to global peace that is unlike anything else seen in the post-war era. the prevention and suppression of german rearmament through continuing uk-usa military occupation should be the united states's single greatest military and tactical priority, as there is nothing else on the planet that poses the united states a greater threat than the potential of german rearmament.

let us remind ourselves that germany is a conquered enemy of the uk-usa alliance that has been under occupation since 1945, after being defeated twice in two major wars in the 20th century. germany was partitioned in the 1940s and reunited in the 1990s because it was the focal point of a world war that resulted in the death of almost 100 million people and it needed to be placed under massive control in order to prevent it from rising again. germany is not an ally of the united states that is a part of the american alliance by choice, it is a conquered and vanquished foe under massive american occupation. germany is only america's "friend" because it has been conquered by force and subjugated via occupation. the removal of american troops would allow for german sovereignty, which would instantly result in them reverting to being the uk's primary global foe and a major headache for the united states. that must be prevented at all costs.

the germans have not spend much on "defence" since 1945. let us remember that this is because a condition of the treaty that ended the war, and also a condition of the treaty that ended the previous war, was that germany not have a military that could threaten it's neighbours. the american (and french and british and previously soviet) occupation of germany has been a central part of the post-war security arrangement.

trump has no apparent understanding of any of this. instead, trump is upset that the germans don't buy enough weapons. he appears to have no understanding of why it is a good idea that the germans not be buying weapons, but instead has been agitating them to increase their military purchases. this isn't some sick hitler fetish, it's just a lack of understanding of the existing american security priorities, and a deficit of basic knowledge about recent history. unfortunately, trump's ignorance as to the purpose of the american occupation of europe led to a series of poor decisions that led to the destabilization of eastern europe, resulting in the ongoing war, which nato is clearly already involved in. 

i will repeat a third time that the longstanding post-war american occupation of germany is due to the fact that the germans are a vanquished enemy of the anglosphere that needs to be pacified via massive occupation and not it's friend or ally and that removing the boot from germany's neck will lead to a return to it's previous policies, and perhaps even a policy of german revenge against the west for decades of occupation and control.

yet, in one of the most stridently frighteningly ignorant decisions ever made by a commander in chief in american history, trump actually ordered a troop movement from occupied germany into former warsaw pact and slavic-speaking poland because the poles purchased more american military hardware than the germans, and in order to create an incentive for the germans to purchase more military hardware so that they could continue to be "protected" by the united states, as though the russians started world war two by invading germany rather than vice versa, and as though the germans want the americans there to protect them, ignoring the fact that the americans are occupying the region by force in order to pacify and subjugate it and have been for 80 years. even the germans were left confused and baffled by this apparently dramatic and entirely irrational shift in american military doctrine. a more startling use of doublespeak outside of 1984 could not be found if searched for, but this has largely evaded the analysis of anybody, including russian apologists, who are focusing on literal nato expansion.

underlying the problems of nato expansion is the severe threat of german rearmament, which threatens both the russians and the west and should be prevented at all costs by the united states and by the uk, not just by the russians. 

transferring these troops back into germany from poland should be the first step taken by the next president to ensure that the occupation of germany continues and to prevent it's developing rearmament, which directly threatens american security. the germans should be explicitly told not to rearm directly by the next president. the russians will understand this as a de-escalation tactic and should react appropriately.

this will not end the war in ukraine, but it's a necessary pre-requisite and it is in the west interest's. german rearmament is a far greater threat to american security than the russians have ever been or ever will be. this needs to be the focus, not containing the russians. biden's delusional quixotic adventures as the world's last cold warrior need to be done away with with intent and force, lest we find ourselves in a third world war against a rearmed germany, and with a weakened russia that cannot save us for a third time.