Sunday, October 13, 2024

the reason that israel is occupying lebanon is that the united nations has failed to keep hezbollah out of the area. the whole concept of peacekeeping has proven itself useless, except to prevent legitimate acts of self-defense; the un won't react to terrorists, so it gives hezbollah free reign, but it expects israel to follow the rules because it's a state. this is untenable and unsustainable, and the only possible outcome is for israel to push back. 

the un will try to stop israel because it's a state but will ignore hezbollah because it's not. this is stupid and backwards and cannot continue; this has to change. the un should be getting out of israel's way and aggressively attacking the terrorists.

the fact that they now won't leave when the israelis are trying to move in and do their job for them truly demonstrates how useless and irrelevant the united nations is in today's world. we need serious reform at the un, and this is clear evidence of it.

nonetheless, israel should not be targeting these groups directly. yet, it should be realized that israel does not have a moral responsibility (it has a legal responsibility, but the law is flawed) to go out of it's way to avoid un targets. if israel sees guys with guns in a tower, it should not stop to figure out who they are, it should shoot to kill.

by refusing to leave and then blaming the outcome on the israelis, unifil is actually adopting the tactics of hamas, which it has become morally equivalent to.

they need to acknowledge they have failed and get out and if they won't leave then israel will have to remove them and is morally justified in doing so.