basic polling has demonstrated that it had little actual effect. given the amount of money spent on it, that suggests it will backfire in key states, if they keep doing this.
you'll note that democrats won senate seats in wisconsin, michigan, arizona and nevada, all states that the republicans won, and also that the margin of victory in minnesota and new mexico was greater for the senate candidate than the electoral college pickup. the margin in the senate race in ohio was also closer than the presidential margin, but ohio was a seat the democrats were bound to lose. the margin in pennsylvania was also closer in the senate than the president.
this suggests that support for harris was weaker across the board, everywhere, and substantively, than support for the party. she substantively underperformed her party everywhere. she is probably directly responsible for losing the seat in pennsylvania.
the problem was her; individually, personally, as an unusually poor candidate.
let the republicans speak freely on the trans issue and make asses of themselves to the electorate; it will hurt them in the long run, as nobody actually supports attacking us.