Wednesday, December 4, 2024

canada doesn't have a migrant issue because swimming across the arctic ocean is too hard. you've got the cold, the polar bears - it might be a fun adventure if disneyfied, but for most it's way too hard when you could just get to brazil first, or if you're already in latin america to start (as most are).

however, what canada does have is a lax visa issue. it is too easy to legally enter canada, so that the actual bad guys that have a few brains tend to use it is a backdoor.

we consequently don't have caravans of desperate people looking to eat, but we do have terrorists and other criminals using canada as a way to sneak in. that's not what trump said, and there's little evidence he even really cares (he seems to actually legitimately want the tariffs. this isn't a bluff. he just wants tariffs because he thinks they'll bring back jobs and this is how he bypasses congress to do it.), but we need to do this for ourselves, anyways.

canada is currently changing it's policy on immigration due to realizing we're dealing with the effects of overpopulation in the cities. some kind of policy to incentivize people to settle in smaller towns should be tried to try to get people to spread out more. we also need to realize that we let a lot of bad people in because we're not checking because we think it's racist and we need to re-evaluate that position. it's not racist to ask if a person's religious views may lead them to uncanadian beliefs or activities that may pose a threat to the people around them.