Wednesday, March 12, 2025

trudeau's government seemed to be intentionally exceedingly pro-muslim, and that seems to come from a personal interest in the religion from the man himself, who was famously photographed in blackface as an arab sheikh before he became prime minister and seems to view the aga kahn exceedingly fondly, perhaps as result of his mother having had an affair with him, as one of the dozens of women he was sleeping with as a young british aristocrat. 

justin trudeau has a far greater resemblance to the aga kahn than he does to pierre trudeau.

google "young aga kahn".

margaret was in the right place at the right time. the public line is that she was friends with his sister. right.

this is going to have to be addressed and moderated one way or another. it would be helpful if carney can set that in motion, even if he doesn't last very long in office.