Monday, November 25, 2013

if you were curious.

(it was obviously the cia. he got shot several times in short range. there's no debate here - it *had* to be set up by his own guys, then suppressed by them. the interesting question is who set it up. dulles? hoover? i lean towards lbj, but we won't know until the documents get released. if they ever even get released.)


We turned to other subjects, but Fidel came back to Kennedy once more, the next day, when he said to me, apropos of nothing, “Kennedy was very young.”

I later asked Julia Sweig what this might have meant. For Castro, she said, Kennedy may forever stand for something out of reach. “He’ll never know what would have happened had J.F.K. lived. He may have reserved for Kennedy in his own mind the possibility of greatness. It’s completely fascinating and frustrating to him.”

also, castro is such a fucking capitalist pig...